Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Recent Termination of the Youth and Children's Offices of the Tennessee Conference

If you have not herd about the recent news, then I suggest that you check out Gavin's website for all the details. The following letter will make more since after you read his blog.
I sent an email to the Bishop earlier tonight, This is what it said...
Dear Bishop,
My name is Johnathan Jones, I am Communications Coordinator for the CCYM of the Tennessee Conference. The recent terminations of both the Youth and Children's Ministries jobs have caught me very off guard. As a member of the CCYM, I should have been one of the first notified about this issue. I would like to ask why we (the CCYM) were not asked about this topic? Why didn't we get a formal letter or email about this matter? The communication of this was very he said, she said. I still feel like I am in the dark about this whole topic. 
In a few months, we will embark on a new year for the CCYM, if there still is such a committee. We will start with FRESH. Who will facilitate this event? I am very concerned that if this event does not go as planned, the youth of the Tennessee Conference will not have a voice. As of the moment, I feel like I do not have a voice.
Thank you for your time and I am awaiting your reply.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Agnostic Andy

I found out yesterday that one of my friends has claimed himself as agnostic. This did not come as a complete shock but it was a little awkward to hear. Andy has had a lot of things go wrong in his life. He has had some tough times. I just can't help but think that if he would trust in God things would be a little easier. He is pushing God away when he needs him the most. Then again, most people tend to do that. I guess that is just a test.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Out of Control

Sometimes I feel like things are out of my control. Good things happen, bad things happen. It is a cycle that continues in my life here in this recent past of mine. Everything is just out of my control. What I do have control over is going ok. I just need to let what is out of my control happen!