Wednesday, December 27, 2006

To My Friend Trent.

So half of me feels bad for writing this but the other says that it desereves to be said out loud because we all are thinking it. A couple broke up about 2 weeks ago. It was kind of a bitter end. For some reason they didn't work. We find out that it didn't work because she was intersted in another guy who quote "didn't have to try" well they got together and at the moment, still are. We all know that this kind of stuff happens but its not right. Trent the guy who was "bagged" has written poetry and even a song about her. It's Not Christmas. I hate to say it, but I'm on his side. It's just plain hurtful to know that the person that you care about, doesn't care enough about you to tell you the truth. Yes we weren't the best friends by keeping it from him, and I will admit that. I am sorry. I hope everyone else is to. I support you Trent. Keep making those great songs and amazing poetry. For purposes of the other two people that I have talked about. I will not reveal there identity.
Happy New Year,

Monday, December 25, 2006

From Holiday to Holiday

Now is a fitting time to get back into the blogging mood. Just thought that I would wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Coming up Short

So, The HFUMC MethAddicts (our basketball team) Faced off against the Long Hollow Peace today in the season opener. We came a little unprepared. First off we didnt even bring a ball to warm up with. And second we underestimated how big they would be. They were all about 5'9. Our shortest guy is 5'2.
The game started and it quickly went downhill from there. We got as close as 5 points but that was for only about a minute. We did play really hard though but shots, passes, and the refs just wern't on our side today. The final score was a very close 70 something to 38. I kind of stopped counting after they hit 50. How come all the Baptists can play basketball?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Im Legal!

About two months ago some guys at the church thought it would be a good idea to try out a church basketball team. We would face mostly other churches and a few teams that assembled. About 10 of us took the offer and decided to get a team together. Our first game is Saturday. We go up against the Long Hollow Baptist Peace. We are gonna show those Baptist who is the best, LOL! Everyone had to get a permission slip form signed by your parents and the pastor. Apparently, having your form signed by Ben Alexander is like having it signed by God, according to Coach Pavlik. Basketball has kind of been a way to let go and have some fun. Everything else in my life is so hectic between school, music, and other stuff.
-Our final phase of the Reimange the Youth Lounge is coming along nicely at church. We have a rough budget and plan to present the final one in about 2 weeks. I am incharge of the electrical equiptment and have a decent budget, I made everything fit in. The theme is industrial gothic cathedral. There will be a "media bar" complete with 40" flat screen. The media bar is the main focus as of right now. It's going to be great when it is finished.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Birthday Carzy!!!

This week has been birthday crazy! I was invited to 3 birthday parties and found out today that 3 more of my friends turn 16 today. This is just a busy time for babies i guess.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wow... What a Week

-So this week has been the most awkward week to say the least. A car caught on fire, Elections, gun threats at school and an amazing retreat at chruch.
-On Monday at school as I pulled into the parking lot I saw a big cloud of black smoke which I didn't think much about until I pulled around the corner. A white Mercury was sitting in the back parking lot ablaze. I caught the whole thing on video. I will post it soon.
-On Tuesday we were out of school and I helped some friends with a video project. This was also when the Harold Ford Jr. and the Bob Corker hate adds stopped. To not see them every 5 min is fine by me.
-On Thursday I arrived to school to see police cars everywhere! When I walked into school everyone was talking about guns and threats and what not. Everyone was like "We're all gonna die!" Turns out there were no guns,threats, or anything of that nature. It made so much news though.
-On Friday Hendersonville made there way over to Hunters Lane for a second time only to fall short again. Losing again 14-7. Which kicked us out of the playoffs. I Left for Paris Landing for a church retreat.
-Saturday and Sunday I spent enjoying the great scenery of Paris Landing which was much needed. I came back stress free and closer in my faith journey.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Rumors are True...

What you have been hearing around the halls at HHS is true. Brittney and I are together! We have been for about 2 weeks now. Yes this is the same Brittney from middle school. Glad I cleared that up.
-Anyway, in other news Hendersonville beat Franklin in our first playoff game tonight. 17-14. We go on to play Hunter's Lane away next week. In a way I am riding the fence on this because I am happy for the football team but being in the marching band we still have to preform so its a hi/low type of thing.
-Brittney had surgery today on her knee because she tore her ACL in cheerleading practice about two weeks ago. So please pray for her to have a speedy recovery.
-I don't really have any other news I don't think. Blogging will become regular again.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Real Sons of Jackass

Check it out.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My First Video on youtube!

It is called Bus Pranks... Check it out!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Commando Mug Seems to be a Success!

This week the DECA club at school opened up a coffee shop of sorts in our gym lobby. It seems to be going great. Everything is a dollar, which is amazing because you can't beat that. Every morning the line gets longer and longer leading me to believe that the profits are getting bigger and bigger. This just might be the best idea that the school has thought of. Now we don't have to stop at Starbucks or the gas station we can just go and get a cappichino from Commando Mug. I will say that I am hooked. Even there advertising is great. They put posters up that have Mr. Shelton, our principal, on them and they say "Mr. Shelton says: I got mine." It is really funny. This coffee idea is amazing!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Deal or No Deal: How Lucky Are You?

The new season of "Deal or No Deal" launched this week and is one of NBC's biggest hits (because it is on everynight). I have personally lost interest in this ridiculous show. The show has nothing to with skill. Luck is the only thing you need. The success of the show has something to do with the fact that no one has ever won the top prize. You have a 1 in 26 chance in winning so the odds are against you. It is the same thing to, the same music, OCD host, and girls. When you think about it even the people that play the game are the same. They are all excited, middle class people. The best part of the show is when people don't win the money and the banker pretty much cuts them off. So the question is Deal or Really Bad Deal?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Man in the Krystal Window

-Tonight after work I decided to go to Krystal to get me a little something to eat. I had been at work all day and was really hungry. My order was taken I was told my order was $3.54 and to pull around. When I pulled around I was asked how my day was and I told the man that it had been ok. I asked him about his day out of habit and he told me he was a little tired and was ready to go home. He turned away, paused and then he turned back around and said that he was ready for God to bring him home. I still had my hand out where he had just taken my money. I didn't know what to say. After thinking for a second I said well we never know when it will happen. "I don't think it is going to be that much longer" he said. Once again, feeling a little uncomfortable I told him we never know.
-I was just hungry and wanted my food, he wanted never to be hungry again. To be so ready to leave this planet and go have faith that you will go to heaven is amazing. Even though our conversation was only about a minute, he has enlightened me and has shown me what is really important.

You May Now Kiss the Gavin

Today is the day when Gavin grows up!!! He is about to be mr Gavin Foster. Lol, Im just kidding he keeps his last name. Today, this blog is dedicated to the happy couple Erin and Gavin. Here is to a lifetime of happiness!

Friday, September 22, 2006

First Blog from my New Computer

So its official... I am blogging from my new MacBook! It is so amazing! I am gonna keep it short cause im still figuing out the bells and whistles. Its amazing!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

TMX Elmo

This is Hilarious!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One Month and Counting.

-Today marks one month until I turn 16! I am really excitied. So many things happen that I cant wait for. All's I have to say is Driver's License!!! I am so sick of having to hitch a ride from someone. Most of my good friends live on the other side of town and my grandmother doesnt like to make the trips back and forth so soon that won't be an issue. Every kid can't wait to turn 16. I am one of the older ones in my grade so it's gonna be cooling being able to say that im driving now. I have high hopes that I will be able to get tickets to the Frey concert which is on my birthday, the ultimate gift. I can't wait very happy.
-On a school note though, tomorrow I have a test in biology , with a mid-c in the class i can't afford a bad grade in there. I have studied for a while tonight and I can only pray that I do well.
-I accepted an offer to join the theatre group, nothing all that fancy. It is called Noah's Promise Players. It is a troup that goes around and does skits on drugs. I was going to try out last year but I missed the auditions. This adds another thing on to my work load but it won't take up much of my time because all the rehearsals are during school. I have never really been on stage with the acting thing before so I hope I will do alright, everyone else that is in it has before so maybe they will take me under there wings.
-HGI is this weekend. It is the band competition that my marching band does every year. There are 28 bands coming and that means over 4,000 people. It is one of the bigger competions in the state and we have a good reputation for putting a good competion. The part which scares everyone is the preformance we give at the end of the night in front of all the marchers, directors, and parents. It is the most people that we will preform for in our high school life. I am pumped for it though. I guess that is all for now.

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Later... Do You Remember?

-September 11, 2001, two airplanes were crashed in to the World Trade Center, one was crashed into the Pentagon, and one was crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. This day changed most of lives if not mentaly then physical. Now, being the 5th anniversary this date is getting more attention. Today on CNN they ran a timeline on the side of the screen and on there broadband station the ran all the footage as it happened on that day. Should we really be paying such attention to such tragedy? We all know what happened, why must we relive it? I can understand a memoral of some sort today, but the disturction and all the negative really doesn't seem like the right thing. Every TV station and radio channel has talked non stopped about it. As a christian I feel that the ones who died are in a better place and all we can do is pray for the families that lost a loved one. When we focus on the negative we never see the positive.
-On a better note, my friend Lindsay Bates, is in the blogging world. The youth blogging community is growing.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Season Begins

-Many things started this sunday, NFL, college ball started last week and the Marching Band season. They all relate, it's all done on the same field. On Saturday the Sumner County Exibtition took place. This marks our start of the season. All the high school bands in Sumner County participate. Now I realize that many of you think that marching band is a dorky thing and what not, but it is something that is a big part of my life. From July until October it is my rutine. It is a suportive group in which you are a part of something bigger than yourself. The group comes before you. People don't realize it but I would like to see anyone memorize music, play, know your spots on the field, and march at the same time, it's harder than it looks.
-Before we went on Saturday I took my section and we had a moment of prayer. We went around the circle and each prayed for something, most were for hiting all our moves and something to that effect but one's was different he asked that we all be blessed with his spirit and to preform for him. I realized that is what it is about. HIM!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

HFUMC Youth Does Boat Church

Today some of the us (youth) went to a thing called boat church. It is in Mt. Juliet on the lake. It was a pretty good service but a little long. After we had a little cookout and then went and enjoyed the lake. We all went tubing and swimming and at the end of the day were worn out. I think that boat church should be a regular thing. Being outside and experiencing God's word is the best combonation. Thats my Sunday!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Big Game Even Bigger Loss

Last night was huge! The antisipation of this game was in the air, the hamburgers, bands, and the fans. We were all hoping that a win would fall to Hendersonville but everything turned the other way. Just a quick summary:
Hendersonville was down the whole game until the forth quarter when we scored with 38 seconds left. we went into overtime and ended up losing by interception. The Hendersonville side fell scilent and the Beech side went crazy. Our heads dropped and theres raised. What really showed there "great sportsmanship" was when they turned the sprinklers on our side of the field and soaking everone in its path. What a great end to a bad night.

Monday, August 21, 2006

First Week of School

So returning back to school has its ups and downs. You are glad to go back so you can see your friends check up on everyone but the rest isn't the best. I am pretty happy with my classes and am very happy to be a sophomore this year. It's nice to be able to know where everything is at and all that jazz. I am taking concert chours this semester which has turned out to be fun and really easy because im one of the only people in the class that knows music. English II Honors will turn out to be ok. The teacher is ok and I have a ton of friends in the class. Wind Ensemble is the same. Biology Honors is going to turn out to be a pain, I can already tell. Besides that school is well... school.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What a Surpise!

-Today is a very special day, my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. For the past 2 months my mother has been planning a surpise party for them. The location, food, and everything inbetween had been thought of. We made up a story that my mom, sister, and I were going to Nashville Shores and my grandparents were going to go to Springfield with her brother and son. Her brother's wife had to drop of a fake bridal shower gift at my church (where the party was). When they walked in the look on there faces was priceless. They had no idea. The best part was the cutting of the cake. They did the move where you feed each other. They messed up. Today was an overall success!

Missing Out on the Mystery

-A lot of my friends from chruch went on a trip this weekend, known as Mystery Trip. This year it wasn't a mystery though. A certian some one named Kyle M. told the whole group ruining the fun of the whole mystery part. They went white water rafting which i bet was a blast. I decided to bow out of this one because I had already been gone for two weeks and couldn't think of another weekend away. This down time has been enjoyable even though spending a few days up in Lake Junaluska wasn't to hard either.
-My Grandparents 50th Anniversary is today and my family is throwing a suprise party for them. It should be a really good time. My mother has invited over a hundred people and my Grandparents still have no idea. I can't wait to see the look on there faces.
-I also go my class schedule this week. It is looking kind of challenging but still fun. ALL HONORS!!!
-Another fun thing on the agenda for this week is the every popular "Band Camp". I would like to inform you that it is nothing like what you think. Band Camp is held in front of the school and is not an overnight event. The most annoying part is when people drive by and honk or say, "This one time, at Band Camp". I still am amazed at how stupid some people are.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I know Its been forever

I know its been a month and I don't have a great excuse except I've been really busy. Ive been on a mission trip and right now im at Lake Junaluska. It its considered methodist holy ground. I will start with mission trip...
Mission trip started on July 15. We drove from Hendersonville Tn, to Long Beach, MS. It took around 9 hours to get there. We actually started work on Monday I helped put a roof on a house that was hurt buy Hurricane Katrina. It took us a week but we actually got it done. Other groups painted a house, did yard work, and rebuilt a porch. The whole Mississippi and Louisana culture is quite different and excited. we ventured down to New Orleans and checked out the scene. We saw Bourben Street and all the sites of that.
Lake Junaluska has been the typical church retreat. I am here on church buisness with my conference and it has been quite fun.
That is all for now talk later.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Fun Times in Disney!!!

-Well I got back from choir tour the other day, and it was quite the experience. This being my third tour I knew what to expect. I had this amazing solo which you can hear go to this link and go to the media page and click on atmosphere. We did the whole Disneyworld thing and all that jazz. I will say that I have some really good memories that I wont forget. They're some seniors that have lead our choir for a few years that are now gone which is quite wired because now it is up to us to lead this group. When we performed at church on Sunday I saw a few faces that I hadn't seen in a while. One of which was Megan. I hadn't seen her in a while and she really made that performance great. She can bring the best out of me sometimes. That is all for now.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I am halfway through this trip and The best part is already behind me. We went to Disneyworld the past two days and we went to all three parks. Honestly, the park wasn't that great. It would've been better if the groups were smaller and people would just chill. For some reason on choir tour every year the adults get on this power trip and are always making do stupid stuff. For instance we will get to a destination and we will sometimes sit on the bus for 30 min. It gets really frustrating. We also were told before we left that we would be able to park hop as much as we wanted and ended up having to change parks at a certain time with a large group. I realize that there are younger kids with us but we are very capable of getting a little more freedom. This is what makes a possible fun trip into a dreadful one.
-On a happy note, Peyton and I got the best possible host home. We got to go to Daytona Beach and eat at Krystal. I don't know what is better. This is wear we are at now. In there luxiourious Florida hideaway. We have our own rooms and toilets. This has been the best by far. So, in a nutshell that is what has happened thus far. So until next time.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Youth lounge Improvement.

Today Gavin, Michael, Scott and I went down to Sam Ash to start buying equiptment for the youth lounge. We bought a soundboard, 3 mics with stands, amp, and some cables. It is really nice to have some things of our own. Not having to borrow things is just a load off. This is just in time to. Since we are reimagining our youth space and everything plus we are getting ready to start up practice for KuvAnant, the churches praise band.
- Tomorrow we start practice for the choir tour. Two days of full practice which usually ends up in loss of voice before the tour start date of Saturday. That happened to me last year and was horrible because I had a trio thing that I had to sing and we all lost our voices. This year I have a rap solo. I'm not all that excited about it but I will pull it off.
-Tour has many experiences in the seven days that it happens. Trapped on a bus with immature, obnoxious, smelly, loud people isn't always fun, but there are still many fun times. We have been some really fun places while I have been in Choir. Canada and New York two very exciting places and Now Disney World. While I'm gone Blogging might be a bit down but I will try to keep up.
-In other parts of my life I am looking at a new computer. The new MacBook. I have fallen in love with this notebook. I have fallen under the Mac spell I guess. I see it as an opportunity to take advantage of this position that I have claimed for the church conference. I am praying that I will get this in the next month or two. That's about it for now.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

This is Great!

I went to a conference event with my church this weekend and it was really fun. The event is called FRESH which used to be called T.Y.A.C. Fresh is where we go over business about the youth for the conference and pick new conference leaders such as president and vice president. I ran for communications chairperson and I got it. I am responsible for the video and pictures taken at the conference events. I cant wait to start I get to go the Lake Juniluska in July to official start my position. I cant wait!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Texting has It's Side Effects

So I just learned that a valueable lesson, texting can turn on you. I was texting to a friend of mine and it was something that was between the two of us, little did i know that someone else found the phone and read the texts. The next day some random person comes up to me and starts talking about it... not good! How hard is it to keep a check on your phone. More importantly how hard is it to just not to text? I know that it is my fault for texting in the first place and I probably won't do it again. Its good to learn things but not the hard way.


Monday, May 22, 2006

School's Comming To an End!!!

Im at my last day of school right now and Its my last full day.Summer is almost here!!! This summer will be so much fun! Amusment Parks,adventures far and near. So much on my list. I Have so much and I can't wait. On a Sad note, the seniors finally are gone and some are spending there last summer here. Seeing them go was such an akward expierence, to know that you arent at the bottom of the pole anymore is never bad.

-My computer has been down at my house so this might be the last blog for a while. Anyway, I went outside last night and took a few photos around the neighborhood. I saw some very cool signs and some cool road grafiti. well anyway im getting ready to play pocket tanks, the coolest game ever. So i will see all you later.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Is It Legal?

-I think that this is something that is a little akward. Imagine that you are minding your own buisness talking to friends and walking to lunch when all of a sudden you turn the corner and there is a guy handing you a bible. The only thing i could say was, "This is the word of God for the people of God." Then a girl said, "Thanks be to God." I didnt think it was legal for people to hand everyone pocket New Testament bibles. I know that it is legal for them to have them sitting on a table for you to come by and pick them up. The Gideons are everywhere, in your hotel, in your church and now, in your school. They are taking over the world one public place at a time. What is horrible about this ordeal is that if someone wanted to come in and give out the Koran then it probably wouldnt happen. What ever happend to seperating church and state or state from chruch?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Saying Goodbye

It has come that time of year again, graduation. A time when we say goodbye to one group and hello to another. This transition point is more difficult for some more than others. We all lose a few friends and gain a few more. This time is also a time where a lot of change happens. With summer starting in full swing many of us find new and interesting things about ourselves. We test ourselves and push ourselves to the limit. This is just one of the many things that we go though in the high school lifestyle. This lifestyle is one that i have adopted and have finally gotten used to. With three years left I can only wonder what will happen next.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Looking Foward Backwards

I was looking through my 8th grade yearbook and I was so amazed at so many different things. It is almost awkward to see how much we have all changed in just one years time. How we have grown physically, mentally, and some of us in a spiritual aspect. When I look back at a year ago, I was in a totally different place. I was ending my middle school career and moving on to a new chapter. I was torn between sticking with band or presuing my new interest in football, not to mention what classes to take in high school. All these things on my mind ended up to be to much on my mind . The decisions that I made molded me into the person that I am today. I realize that if I would have stuck with football I would probably be ridding the bench. Band has been an amazing experience in itself. The classes I have taken have been fine so I didn't drown myself in work.
Things are finally starting to click and fit into place. I don't feel lost anymore, I feel like I have found a home. God has helped me find it and at the time I didn't even know it. Weird things happen sometimes. Who would've thought that Johnathan Jones would find himself but he did. I have found peace.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday Photoblog: KuvAnant

Saturday, April 29, 2006

So Much To Talk About!!!

I have been anxious to get back to this blog but have lacked time and well just been a little lazy trying to cut corners. Well so much has happened since my last post that I don't know how to say it all. I've had good times bad times and everything in between. The most recent thing that has come up in my life is this thing at my church called the lay witness mission. Its this really cool retreat that is at my church all this weekend and it has been such a blast. I won't lie, I thought it was going to be boring, but it hasn't been. I have meet some really cool people and have heard some great testimonies and stories. One girl surprised me with hers.

I had met her just a few hours before and she came across as this hyper girl that had the spirit running up and down her. She was called to the front of the sanctuary and was asked to share her story (I hadn't been paying much attention before this point, I had kind of zoned out just a little) her hyperness faded and this other side came out. She talked about how she was a child of God. She explained about how she had been hurt and mistreated, left behind and picked back up. Then, she found God. She had been sexually harassed and her parents had left her at the age of two. She had a conversation with God and he told her that if she wanted to be with him then she must forgive those who have hurt her. This girl forgave them! Truly a work of God. Her five minutes taught me more today than anything I have heard or read in a while. She has God shining inside and out.

Going from very serious to very fun we went to DCAC and played a little putt-putt and hit a few balls. This was the play time of the day. I lost to Bruce but tied with Kelsey. But its not about winning its about having fun and that we did have. Me and Peyton played a little areo-ball and that I killed him in. Me and Peyton also had a little air hockey challenge and I was victorious there to. Today was my lucky day.

We also had a new addition to our Youth Lounge Kitchen. We got a Cappiccino/Espresso maker, Smoothie Machine, and a Coffee Maker. I spent time figuring that stuff out and made a little mess but none the less made some good stuff. Now it is turning into the Shalom Cafe. I think that it fits our Youth Group Perfectly.

So today I had a really good time. I got closer to God, friends, and even machine.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hendersonville might not be the best place to chill

So I havent written in a while, i have been really busy. But i went to the bowling alley tonight and it was pretty bad. Underage somking everywhere! Lots of unwanted PDA and much much more. I have never seen the bowling alley that bad before. It kind of makes me think about what are city is turning into. Then the movie theater isn't much better one night as i drove away i saw this guy throwing up in a trash can because he was so drunk. This type of things happen in every city but when you can't go to have a fun time because your choking on smoke its just not fun anymore. I hope that something will come to hendersonville that doesnt attract all the scum of the city.

Monday, March 27, 2006

A Long Day

Today I am getting ready to start my journey back home we around the Dallas area and should return around 10 tonight. I have had a blast and it is really nice to be able to get away from everything and take a break. I got a ton of great pictures and a few souvenirs. San Antonio is a really cool and interesting city, I would like to go back sometime. I even met some new people while there. Today will be a long bus ride and therefore a slow day. Well I hope everyone had a fun time while I was away and hope I get back safe, see you guys soon.

Friday, March 24, 2006

A Ways From Home

Right now I am sitting in a Hampton Inn in Mesquite Tx. I am with a group of kids from school and we are on our way to San Antonio. We left Hendersonville around 7:30am and got here around 9:30pm. The bus ride got a little old and ive got 4 more hours. The Blogger server has been down and I have not been able to write in a while I will try to write when im in San Antonio.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Shouts From the Band Room

Funny Title I know! But a few weeks ago I found out that the band director was goning to split the band im going to be in next year into two groups. a wind ensemble and symphonic band. the Wind ensemble is the better band. So I auditioned and was kind of nervous that i might make second band. well i didnt I made first band and on top of that i was the only one of that intrument that he took. Its wierd cause i have only been playing this one for under a year and now Im the best at Hendersonville High. I can't wait until next year.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Your Not Always Right!

Everyone knows someone that thinks that there way is the best way and that they are always right. When you try to tell them other wise they block you out and it is so frustrating. That hold you back and seems like things will never change. There is this guy in my class and he holds the whole class back, I just wish that he would give other ideas a chance.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rough Day at Concert Festival

Well I went to Concert Festival with the HHS Concert Band today and we did alright. we got a 2 in our prepared peace and a 1 in sightreading. I was really hoping for 1's across the board because last year hawkins got all ones (my middle school) and its just a dissapointment. I havent really had anything to blog about besides that.

We are finally starting a praise band something that has been talked about for a while now and im really excited. Our first time we meet will be on sunday and I cant wait to start this great thing. It is gonna be so much fun for us all.

Might not be much blogging till then.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Wednesday Night Service

So tonight I went to the Wednesday Night service at church. I had never been before and tonight I started to go for not all the right reasons. One of my friends was playing tonight and I was going to see her. When the service began I was asked to read a scripture at the end of the service, even though no one thinks this, reading infront of people is almnost a fear for me. So we sang a few songs and then Mrs. Thomas gave us her testomony, her lifestory. I learned a few things about her. The end of the service came and i read my 2 verse scripture which was actually 3 cause i wasnt paying attenion. Then we had communion and Lynn asked someone if they would serve communion, she looked over at us youth so Matthew E. and I stood up and walked up. I was so surprised at myself, I had never thought that I would serve communion to a congragation at my church. I think that was Gods way of telling me something, I dont really know what, but i know it was something. In a way, I almost felt unworthy. God has mysterious ways!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The undependable myspace

These past few months have been a little funky on myspace. Today, when i tryed to log in i get this stupid "we are working on the system" message and this has happened more than once, it seems that Myspace is going through some server issues.

When something that you are used to having goes away for a while you realize how much you use it or depend on it, in this case Myspace. We all have things that we value. For teenagers these days its myspace. alls i have to say is Tom better get this whole server thing straight, even though I dont think tom owns it anymore.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Empty Week

This week has been pretty empty and pointless for blogging. I have tried to think of something but nothing really comes to mind. This morining I worked at the Child Care Ministeries Workshop at church to raise money for choir tour. I spent some time talking to a friend about some things and the Lay Witnees Mission came up. We were talking and this sounds like something that will be great for our church and community. We also talked about the soon to be creation of a priase band. Most peoples concern is that people might not take it seriously enough to keep on. I hope that it will all turn out great and everyone will enjoy it. I am hoping that more youth are starting to read gavin and my blogs. Maybe some of you will start your own.
I guess that is all for me today. I hope next week is more eventful.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

If we never went over the speed limit

I was surfing the web the other day and I ran over this video that asked what happened if no one ever speed. Some college students answered it by taking five cars and going on the highway. They each got in a lane and went the same speed, 55 miles an hour. pretty soon everyone was following behind like ducks in a pond except for a few that went off the road to pass. so if no one ever sped then would we be safer? what if everyone was christian and followed all the rules, would the world be a better place?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just Talk

The other day I was talking to some of my friends and they were talking about this other person and how they made a very bad decision. The whole time I was thinking about how they had done the same thing and they were not getting any grief over it. Which to me is very hypocritical, and also unchristian like. When someone tells me they go to church I will usually ask them when was the last time that went to a service, many say a month or two. Which raises the question are you really an active Christian or do you just say it because it makes you feel better and helps you sleep at night? At my church we have around 50 regular attending members but yet over 100 on the roll. Most of those people consider themselves Christians. I think that practicing what you preach is very important. So is it ok to say your a Christian and not attend church regularly?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Fun Times In North Carolina

Im on this amazing trip with my youth group in North Carolina, at Maggie Valley. We got here last night around 12:30am and were on the slopes around 10:30am. We have skied all day. Some of us fell and wiped out more than others. But, I learned something. Being prepared is essential in anything that we do. We as Christians are part of a unique community. If we are not prepared per say to tell someone about how God is something so great, so powerful, so mighty, then are we doing our part? If someone took you up to the top of a mountain, and you had never skied then you wouldn't be prepared and would not make it down the mountain very easily. It comes as our responsibility to be able to tell anyone who is questioning there faith or wanting to know about Christ. So, are you prepared?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Fork In The Road

There comes a time almost every day where we are forced to make a decision, which road we should take. For many some of these decisions aren't that tough. Have you ever stopped and thought about if we have a certain path that we start on. And from there chose which door or which road to take. Or, is life pre-determined and we already have a destiny? This is the question that many Christians ask. If the answer is that we have a pre-determined path then there is no such thing as free will, and then wouldn't that mean that some people are already condemned to hell? I believe that We have a certain ending point and how we get there is up to us. Opinions are opinions and everyone has a different one. What do you think?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Spiritual Friends

At church last night we had a conversation about what is a spiritual friend. We all agreed that a spiritual friend was someone who you can share your religion with and is someone who you can worship with. I think that you must become friends before you can become spiritual friends. Since a spiritual friend is so much more than just a friend, someone who is supposed to be there through the good and the bad. He or she is not just someone you meet randomly on the street. People at your church aren't all your spiritual friends, some might not even be your friends. My question is when do you know you have a spiritual friend? And how do you make the transition between just friends to spiritual friends.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Losing Touch

When going into a different environment, things that aren't expected always happen. In this case drifting apart from a really good friend. When I sit and think about how this happened, the answer was pretty simple. We both gained new friends and put one another to the side. Does this mean that we care for our other friends more. Or, did we get lost among transistion into high school. Didn't Jesus's followers get sidetracked sometimes? This happens to almost everyone at some point in there life but how could we try to end this?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Coffee House and much more

Coffee House Started today and it went off a great success. I am the emcee and the money we raise goes towards our tour this summer. I got to see a really good friend of mine(the girl in the picture) and we got to do a litte catching up.
This weekend is going to be really busy and the same for the weekend. I have a lot of homework and a lot of things im doing. Im starting track I think I have to see if it will fit my schedele and im still doing jazz band and everything. So I hope im not taking on to much.
Next weekend, my church and I, are going on a ski trip to NC. I will keep everyone posted on that. well I hope everyone has a safe weekend. Pray For lots of snow.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Taking Your Mask Off.... Is It Really That Easy?

Have you had a day where everything seemed perfect and then the next, everything was really bad? I know we all have those days but my friend had one of those today. He comes across as a guy who everyone thinks is perfect, he never lets anyone or anything pull him down on the outside. But on the inside it is a much deeper story.
I know that he wants everyone one to see the best side of him and most of us are that way. When I think about it I guess it has a lot to do with taking off your mask. If we know that god is on our side then everything should be ok... right? Well, I would love to think that but its not always that simple. If you think about it, how many times have you done something that you know you shouldn't have done? Now you sit back and think I was really stupid to do that. Taking off your mask isn't always as easy as one would come to expect.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday... And a lot more!

We had a super bowl party tonight at church and it was pretty fun except we couldn't get the TV hooked up to pick up a signal but it was ok cause we still had fun and fellowship. That was at the end of my day the beginning started out much different. I went to church and Sunday school was so much fun then I had a meeting for youth stuff. I came home and then went back to choir. After choir I saw Megan for the first time in a few months, it was so exciting to finally see her again. She really is a good person and someone who is so nice and loving. It is such a privilege to know that im friends with her.

On to today's main topic.
why don't people except people instead of shun them or criticize. Is it because it is easier to keep a closed mind than an open one? Or maybe it is because of something else, something controlling us. Such as jealousy or what others will think. What really worries me is that at my church we are very closed minded and that is one of the reasons why we don't keep new members. It is scary coming into anything new where you don't know anyone and very little about the place you are in. The least we can do as Christians is accept them and let them join us in our faith journey.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Busy Day!

Well today was fun, but really busy. It started out with me waking up and remebering that i had to go to work. so i went in at 10 in the morning and got of at 6:45 then went to see the sound of music right after that. so i could see kels and friends. I know it doesnt sound all that busy or anything but it was trust me! Tommorow is a different story ive got church then a meeting then me and gav are going to go shop around for equiptment for the youth lounge. then i will have choir and then youth. so tomorrow will be busy as well. I guess that is all for today I hope everyone had a great day today and a pleasent tomorrow.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Gavin you have done it! You have convinced me to start blogging..... Sometimes I just don't get it. Why do people act so fake? I don't understand why people live a lie. Think about it, if your not true to yourself, how can you be true to someone else. Is it because we think people will like us more if we try to act like someone else. Or is it for our own personal reasons. I don't get it. At a church convention that I went to last weekend that is what the topic was, Get Real, Be Fearless. I guess it really helped me understand why being yourself is so important.