I have been anxious to get back to this blog but have lacked time and well just been a little lazy trying to cut corners. Well so much has happened since my last post that I don't know how to say it all. I've had good times bad times and everything in between. The most recent thing that has come up in my life is this thing at my church called the lay witness mission. Its this really cool retreat that is at my church all this weekend and it has been such a blast. I won't lie, I thought it was going to be boring, but it hasn't been. I have meet some really cool people and have heard some great testimonies and stories. One girl surprised me with hers.

I had met her just a few hours before and she came across as this hyper girl that had the spirit running up and down her. She was called to the front of the sanctuary and was asked to share her story (I hadn't been paying much attention before this point, I had kind of zoned out just a little) her hyperness faded and this other side came out. She talked about how she was a child of God. She explained about how she had been hurt and mistreated, left behind and picked back up. Then, she found God. She had been sexually harassed and her parents had left her at the age of two. She had a conversation with God and he told her that if she wanted to be with him then she must forgive those who have hurt her. This girl forgave them! Truly a work of God. Her five minutes taught me more today than anything I have heard or read in a while. She has God shining inside and out.

Going from very serious to very fun we went to DCAC and played a little putt-putt and hit a few balls. This was the play time of the day. I lost to Bruce but tied with Kelsey. But its not about winning its about having fun and that we did have. Me and Peyton played a little areo-ball and that I killed him in. Me and Peyton also had a little air hockey challenge and I was victorious there to. Today was my lucky day.
We also had a new addition to our Youth Lounge Kitchen. We got a Cappiccino/Espresso maker, Smoothie Machine, and a Coffee Maker. I spent time figuring that stuff out and made a little mess but none the less made some good stuff. Now it is turning into the Shalom Cafe. I think that it fits our Youth Group Perfectly.
So today I had a really good time. I got closer to God, friends, and even machine.
I found Gavin through Nashville is Talking, which is basically the clearinghouse for blogs in Middle Tennessee and then he clued me into your blog as I try to keep up with other people blogging in Hendersonville.
Keep up the good work. And don't give Ms. Butts too much trouble. ;)
'even machine' that's funny. i'm so glad you made friends with that as i was not sure i'd be friends with that cappacino machine.
good weekend, i'm tired, but we have our evening service to get ready for. from what i hear they are filming it for monday nights local broadcast. so let's represent
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