-Many things started this sunday, NFL, college ball started last week and the Marching Band season. They all relate, it's all done on the same field. On Saturday the Sumner County Exibtition took place. This marks our start of the season. All the high school bands in Sumner County participate. Now I realize that many of you think that marching band is a dorky thing and what not, but it is something that is a big part of my life. From July until October it is my rutine. It is a suportive group in which you are a part of something bigger than yourself. The group comes before you. People don't realize it but I would like to see anyone memorize music, play, know your spots on the field, and march at the same time, it's harder than it looks.
-Before we went on Saturday I took my section and we had a moment of prayer. We went around the circle and each prayed for something, most were for hiting all our moves and something to that effect but one's was different he asked that we all be blessed with his spirit and to preform for him. I realized that is what it is about. HIM!!!
1 comment:
missed you at the design team meeting. i guess this is what you were doing. i'm likin the new layout, by the way!
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