Monday, January 29, 2007

Warmth In Winter

I have taken a few days to reflect on this amazing weekend which I just experienced. Warmth is always a refresher, it is a great way to start off the year. I went down to the convention center early Friday to start the set up process. My affiliation was with communications. We filmed some for our videos for that night. I started to get a little stressed when I looked at the clock and I saw that I was running low on time to edit. It was ok though everything went well that night. The session went great. I figured out that life at Warmth was quite different when you are on the management team.


gavin richardson said...

welcome to my world. you did great this weekend. it actually made my life the easiest ever.

Johnathan "J2" said...

Im glad I could help... I really felt like I did accomplish a lot

gavin richardson said...

it's not easy pulling off all that video stuff.

David Slate said...

Hey man you did great on the vidios.

thnaks for a awesome weekned alll expcet for Kyle pucking it was a grreat time